Tribute Actions to performances from the Shelter 209 Archive. I wanted to mix times and places, to hand over stories and actions to the audience, to experience a new and valid moment together.
I Was Not There, at the first performance art event held by Shelter 209, and I did not see Danny Zakhem in the performance Ningy the Gingy (1988). In my tribute, I shared what I learned, then I approached each person and asked: "Were you there?". Most persons were not there. Some were not born yet. Others shared details and longing.
Cheers Black and White, I named my tribute to Merav Hadar's video performance "Cheers" (2007) .In the dark space I projected her words, a monologue of black humor and bare emotion about her impending death. I went through the viewers and suggested to each one to read a sentence aloud. The microphone passed between us naturally, in a ceremonial shared lament.
Cheers Black and White was presented at On Life and Death: Performance as a Fatal/Total Action, PAP, Tel Aviv 2018 (Still frame: PAP). I Was Not There was presented at Tribute Event to Program #1, ZAZ Festival, PAP, Tel Aviv 2018 (Photo: Tohar Lev Jacobson).